What our community says

One word; magical.

Every time I stepped into the dome, it felt like stepping into another dimension. All together as one. I could feel the light we created. I loved the dancing and singing together the most. Freeing my body and voice. Feeling things I never felt before, like some kind of wild animal wanting to come out. We are nature. It was completely out of my comfortzone but it made me grow in ways I didn’t expect. Love for all of you 💛.

If you want to go deep in connection with yourself and others, I would recommend this so much. It would make the world a much more loving place. We are in this together 🙏🏻✨

Gwen van Dinther

Momo creates a space where you can come back home to your heart and really feel deeply human. I am so grateful for the space he creates which has enabled me to process my wounds and connect deeply with myself and with other incredible people, soul to soul.

It's a space for empathetic warriors to feel and share love and be held. Everyone needs to experience this- the most beautiful part of being human, the part we are all missing in the modern world. Thank you ❤️✨❤️

Leila Simpson

The Vibrant Gathering was phenomenal. Like a piece of art the organizers orchestrated an array of sacred activities in a way that brought a blossom to bloom.

A blossom where each participant is a petal, and the strong and safe group energy allowed each to step out of one‘s comfort zone, and experience joy, healing and ecstasy beyond normal capacities.

If there is one word to describe this, it would be sacred connection, synonymous with intimacy – connection with myself, with others, and with Source.

So grateful to have experienced this, as I am taking this force, empowerment and heart-expansion with me. Until next time!

Uli Pappa

My experience at the Vibrant Gathering was incredible. I was able to open parts of myself that I didn't even know were blocked. I could explore my sensuality and dance freely. I connected with others and myself in ways I have never before. 

Mariana Ha

Get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey of
love, connection, and transformation at the Vibrant Coração Gathering - an exquisite summer gathering nestled atop the highest mountain in mainland Portugal, Serra da Estrela,
by the breathtaking shores of the highest lake in Portugal.

Here, amidst the majestic beauty of crystal-clear waters and stones of wisdom, we invite you to immerse yourself in a four-day, three-night celebration of life, love, and pure magic.“

Your heart is the size of an ocean. Go find yourself in its hidden depths.” ― Rumi

This gathering is a portal of remembrance to the potential of our existence, a reminder that aligning with your life's purpose is achievable right now. We create a safe container where everyone is welcomed exactly as they are.

There is space for laughter, sadness, anger, ecstasy, there is freedom to express your sensuality, your sexuality, your childlike innocence, and to choose in every moment how you want to give yourself.

Vibrant facilitators: connecting hearts

Vibrant Gathering Facilitators

Vibrant offerings: from the heart

Our Summer
Program includes:

⦾ Crystalline Water Blessing
⦾ Sacred Cacau Ceremony
⦾ Inner Child Activation Exercises
⦾ Ecstatic Dance
⦾ Voice Liberation
⦾ Singing Circle
⦾ Sound Journey
⦾ Gong Bath
⦾ Sacred Water Ritual
⦾ Himalayan Kundalini Tantra Yoga
⦾ Gyrokinesis
⦾ Breathwork
⦾ Mystical Messages
⦾ Sensual Awakening
⦾ Massage Temple
⦾ Artesanato Market
⦾ Food for the Soul
⦾ Kids Activities
⦾ Chic Accommodation

Vibrant lands: in a higher place

Vibrant lodgings: for a comfy rest